Minutes 30th March 2021

West Knoyle Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood

Minutes of a meeting of West Knoyle Parish Council held on Tuesday, 30th March at 7.30 p.m. online at Zoom.us

Present:  Mrs. J. Brockway (Chairman), P. Yates (Vice-Chairman), Tony Davis, Andre Filleau and Marcus Randall


Public Session

There were no members of the public present.


To receive apologies for absence

  • None received


  1. To receive any declarations of interest from Members and to consider requests for new DPI dispensations. (Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the West Knoyle Parish Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.)
  • Randall declared an interest in Minute No. 156 b) (Drainage)


  1. MinutesRESOLVED to approve Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Wednesday, 16th December 2020 on proposal made by Cllr. Filleau, seconded by Cllr. Randall and carried with a unanimous vote.


  1. Matters Arising
  2. a) Update on agreement for Wessex Internet to lay fibre in village – The Clerk reported that she had signed the property access agreement with Wessex Internet Fibre Network on behalf of the Parish Council as custodian trustee for West Knoyle Village Hall (the Clerk had pointed out to Wessex Internet that West Knoyle Village Hall belongs to a charity which is managed by the Charity Trustees [the West Knoyle Village Hall Committee that calls itself West Knoyle Social Club]. However, the Parish Council acts under lawful instruction given by the committee in the context of the property title as the Charity cannot hold the title to the property in its own name and the Parish Council is therefore the Custodian Trustee of the property title, on behalf of the charity.) As far as the request to sign the property access agreement for the play area and the questions that had been raised by Cllr. Randall, the Clerk nor Chairman had heard anything further about the site meeting that was due to be held between Wessex Internet’s build manager and Cllr. Randall.  Randall confirmed this to be the case and said he had not heard from Wessex Internet and wondered if it was still their intention to come across the play area.  The Clerk said that she would contact Wessex Internet to ask them for an update on the situation.

  1. Planning (All applications can be viewed on Wiltshire Council’s website http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/environmentandplanning/planninganddevelopment/planningapplicationssearchonline/planningsearch.htm  – and type in the relevant application number)
  2. a) Planning applications to consider at the meeting

Application Ref:


Application for:

Full Planning


Revised application for the erection of manege and creation of parking and turning area.


Oxleaze Farrm, West Knoyle, BA12 6AE

The Chairman reminded members that the site already has planning permission for a manège and parking area. This application is to change location of the manège but to keep the parking area where already approved.  RESOLVED to object to the above application on the grounds that it is inappropriate to move the all-weather manege further into the open countryside away from the existing farm and equine buildings and feel that it is wrong to create development in the open countryside unnecessarily when there is space closer to the existing farm and equine buildings.  Pointing out that in the case officers report to the previous application 20/02403/FUL it is stated that ‘the proposed manege is suitable for the site’s location within the countryside and it is not considered that a significant portion of agricultural land will be given over to the equestrian facility and is associated with the residential use of the barn being converted.’  Members of the Parish Council feel that the revised location will not comply with this statement as more agricultural land will be given over to the equestrian facility. Proposal made by Cllr. Yates, seconded by Cllr. Randall and carried with a unanimous vote.

  1. b) To report on planning application decisions made since last Parish Council meeting

Application Ref: 20/08152/FUL – Conversion of barns to dwelling and workshop at Barn at Rectory Cottage, The Street, West Knoyle BA12 6AF

Parish Council response 3.11.20:  Support

Planning Authority decision22.12.20:  Approved with conditions


Application Ref: 20/11194/FUL – Convert outbuilding into 2 units of holiday accommodation at Manor Farm, West Knoyle, BA12 6AG

Parish Council response 8.2.21:  Support

Planning Authority decision 11.2.21:  Approved with conditions

  1. c) Update on Wiltshire Local Plan Review – the Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council had been undertaking a consultation on the Wiltshire Local Plan Review: The purpose of the review of the adopted Local Plan will be to assess the future levels of need for new homes (including market, affordable and specialist housing) and employment land over the period 2016-2036 and to provide an appropriate basis for housing, employment land and infrastructure provision over that period. It will involve considering if the existing adopted development strategy remains relevant, identifying new site allocations relating to housing and employment together with supporting services and infrastructure. It will not be the purpose of the review to change or remove strategic objectives or policies that remain in accordance with national policy and support the delivery of sustainable development.  The consultation closed on 9th March 2021.


  1. Footpaths, Highways, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) Highway and footpath issues & issues for parish steward – Cllr. Davis said that he had not had any correspondence with the Parish Steward but pointed out that the parish steward had erected some ‘slippery road’ signs up outside Manor Farm Cottages where the water is coming out onto the road. The Clerk reported on a temporary road closure notice that was required in order to fell trees suffering from ash dieback.

  1. Play Area
  2. a) Report on Annual RoSPA Play Area Inspections and apply a schedule to carry out actions identified – The clerk asked if the Medium risk tasks identified in the play area inspection report had been carried out. Cllrs. Randall and Yates reported that work was ongoing and that it had been necessary to rope off some pieces of equipment due to damage. It was further agreed that Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Cllr. Randall would meet on site and assess action required. The Clerk said that she had ordered & received the moss & algae remover.
  3. b) Drainage for play area – Randall said that he had noticed that the play area was holding a fair bit of water and his mother had been able to produce a plan relating to the previous drainage work carried out by Bartlett’s and Cllr. Randall suspected that the clay ground had now become compacted over the drainage pipes which were causing them to be ineffective and wondered whether some investigative work should be done. He had provided the Parish Council with an estimate to carry out land drainage maintenance and mole ploughing work on the area beyond the play equipment but said that he could not guarantee that this would make a significant difference.

The clerk pointed out that the estimate was over the de minimis amount for obtaining more quotations although the Council could apply an exemption to this rule if they felt there were extenuating circumstances. The Chairman was concerned that the level improvement may not be significant in comparison to the cost involved. Agreed that Chairman, Vice-Chairman & Cllr. Randall would hold a site meeting to discuss drainage & play equipment issues.

  1. Finance, Policy & Resources
  2. a) PaymentsRESOLVED to approve the following payments:

L. C. Wood

Salary Q4



PAYE Q3 – 2020/21


T. J. Thornley

Website – domain name renewal (1 year)

  1. b) Report on latest bank reconciliation – members noted that the bank statements and accounts reconciled with a balance of £11,950.54 as at 29.3.21.
  2. c) Report on new website – members noted that the new website was currently under construction (the new website being necessary to meet Accessibility Regulations).
  3. d) To review and assess the effectiveness of internal controls – Members reviewed and assessed the effectiveness of internal controls and RESOLVED that existing procedures were adequate.


  1. General Items
  2. a) Forthcoming elections and pre-election period – The Clerk said that there is specific guidance for members and officers on the management of council business and publicity in the run-up to the elections on 6th Although it is permissible to publish factual information which identifies the names, wards and parties of candidates at elections, we must take care not to publish any information relating to individuals involved directly in the elections or any political parties.
  3. b) Date and format for next meeting
  • Next meeting – Tuesday, 18th May at 7.30


Meeting closed 20.43

Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions:  Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

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Minutes and Agendas

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