Minutes – 29th November 2022

West Knoyle Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood

Minutes of a Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 29th November 2022 at 7.30 pm in West Knoyle Village Hall.

Present:  Councillors Paul Yates (Chairman), Marcus Randall (Vice-Chairman) & Paul Vita.

Meeting convened with Public Session:

There were no members of the public present

Apologies for absence received from Cllrs. Alex Davies, Tony Davis and Wiltshire Councillor George Jeans.

  1. Declarations of Interest:
  • None received


  1. MinutesRESOLVED to approve Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Monday, 10th October 2022 (Minutes attached) on proposal made by Cllr. Yates, seconded by Cllr. Vita and carried with a unanimous vote.

118 .  Matters Arising from previous meetings

Application No:PL/2022/06481
Application Type:Full planning permission
Proposal:Retrospective Planning Application for the continued use of Steel Framed PVC Tent as Agricultural Store.
Site Address:Land Adjacent to The Middles, West Knoyle, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 6AJ
Planning Register Link:



 Planning Authority issued decision 7.11.22 – Approve with conditions

The Clerk read out the conditions pertaining to this planning approval as published on the planning portal.

The Clerk also pointed out that in respect of planning application PL/2022/05168 – further information had been provided by the applicant (Construction Method Statement and Ecological Appraisal) but a planning decision had not yet been made.


    1. Planning

a) To consider the following planning application:

  • None received at date of publication
  1. To receive report from Wiltshire Councillor
  • None received


    1. Footpaths, Highways, Traffic & Transport

a) Highway & Footpath issues for Parish Steward – members discussed the general poor state of the carriageway throughout the village and in particular the level changes in the road surface. The Clerk said that she had corresponded with the Area Highway Engineer about this and read out his response.  It was agreed that the Parish Council should inform David Button of the locations most affected by level changes and to report these on MyWilts and to contact Ray McKenzie to see if the road is being considered for maintenance funding in the near future:

Worst spots for uneven carriageway.

  • Broadmead & turning right
  • Convish Farm and Park Corner Farm
  • The Old Bakery
  • Lower Mere Park
  • County Boundary points on highway
    1. Play Area

a) To consider RoSPA Play Area Inspection report and make task sheet (inspection report attached) – members noted the comments in the Inspection Report. It was agreed to ask Kevin of Alvian if he had checked the chains under the sleeve coverings for the zip wire and basket swing when he last carried out his maintenance work.

b) Signage for Play Area – deferred.

    1. Finance, Policy & Resources

a) Payments: RESOLVED to approve the following payments:

L. C. WoodSalary 2022/23 – Q2 30.11.22£200.00
HMRCPAYE – Q3£ 50.00
CashPetty Cash reimbursement 9.9.21 – 30.11.22 (£20.55) + Travel expenses (£56.15)76.70
Atex LtdBench for Platinum Jubilee709.90
Playsafety LtdAnnual RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection117.60
Rob Pearce Ground MaintenancePlay Area grass cutting70.00

b) Annual Budget – to consider annual budget figures for 2023/24 – RESOLVED to approve the draft figures prepared by the Clerk and distributed to members prior to the meeting without amendment, on proposal made by Cllr. Yates, seconded by Cllr. Vita and carried with a unanimous vote.

c) Precept – to approve Precept on Wiltshire Council for 2023/24 – The Clerk pointed out that from the budget figures the precept would be £4980 and the Band D charge would go up from £68.79 to £70.66 which would result in a 2.72% increase. RESOLVED to approve Precept on Wiltshire Council for 2023/24 of £4,980 on proposal made by Cllr. Yates, seconded by Cllr. Randall and caried with a unanimous vote

  1. Future eventsCoronation of HRH King Charles III – the Clerk said that she had raised this so that members could think about whether or not they wanted to arrange any celebrations and perhaps communicate with the Village Hall Committee or any other community groups.
  1. Date of next meeting – it was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 21st March 2023.

Minutes and Agendas

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  West Knoyle Parish Council Parish Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood Correspondence address: Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Wiltshire.  BA12 6EW Tel: (01747) 860701                                               e-mail: lindseywood@merewilts.org   5th March 2024   Dear Councillor,  

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