Minutes – 17th May 2022

West Knoyle Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 17th May 2022 immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting in West Knoyle Village Hall.  Meeting convened at 7.24 pm

Present:  Councillors M. Randall, P. Vita, P. Yates.

Also Corinne Leonard, Wendy Croft & Jill Randall


  1. To elect Chairman of West Knoyle Parish Council for 2022/23 and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of OfficeCllr. Yates was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year. Cllr. Yates signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Council.


  1. To elect Vice-Chairman of West Knoyle Parish Council for 2022/23 and to receive the Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Cllr. Randall was unanimously elected as Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council for the ensuing year. Cllr. Randall signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Council.


Apologies of absence received from Councillors Alex Davies & Tony Davis.  Also from Wiltshire Cllr. George Jeans.


  1. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the West Knoyle Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.

  • None received


Public Session

Corinne Leonard reported that organisation for the Platinum Jubilee event was coming together.  They were going to get publicity leaflets printed and needed to get the food organised.  They were hoping for a donation from the Parish Council to cover some of the expenses for decorations i.e. bunting and flags etc. 

There was also further discussion about a lasting legacy for the Platinum Jubilee and a Commemorative bench for the Village Hall open space seemed to be the consensus.  It was thought that the committee would ask for a financial contribution at the event but the suggestion is that the Parish Council might underwrite the difference.

Paul Yates confirmed that arrangements for the beacon were coming together nicely.  It had been agreed that it was too late to have a social event in the Village Hall afterwards as the lighting of the beacon would not even take place until 9.45 pm.  Paul Yates confirmed that he was happy to extend the invitation to people and if they wanted to bring along nibbles and a drink then he was very happy for them to do so.  He stressed, however, that he did not need any more material to burn.


  1. MinutesRESOLVED that the Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 29th March 2022 be approved as a correct record of proceedings on proposal made by Cllr. Randall, seconded by Cllr. Yates and carried with a unanimous vote of those present on 29.3.22


  1. To appoint/re-appoint representatives to outside bodies/organisations:



201/22 Representative

2022/23 Representative

Footpaths & Rights of Way

Cllr. Alex Davies

Cllr. Alex Davies

Neighbourhood Watch & Bobby Van

The Council

The Council

Village Hall

Cllr. Mrs. Jinny Brockway

Cllr. Marcus Randall

Parish Steward

Cllr. Tony Davis

Cllr. Tony Davis

Area Board & LHFIG

Chairman & Vice-Chairman

Chairman & Vice-Chairman

Play Area Safety Inspections

Cllr. Marcus Randall

Cllr. Marcus Randall


  1. To review bank accounts and signatory arrangements – it was agreed that the existing bank accounts should remain and that Clerk + Cllrs. Tony Davis & Marcus Randall would continue to act as bank signatories (two signatures required for each cheque transaction and the Clerk was authorised to make transfers between Council accounts. The Clerk also confirmed that she would be looking into moving towards electronic payments in the near future as agreed by the Parish Council at the March 2022 meeting (Minute Ref: 71c)


  1. To appoint/reappoint internal auditor – it was agreed that Mr. Derek Ward be re-appointed as Internal Auditor for the ensuing year subject to him being happy to continue.


  1. To review and adopt the Standing Orders for West Knoyle Parish Council – the standing Orders, having been distributed to members in advance of the meeting, were approved and adopted by the Parish Council.


  1. To review and adopt the Financial Regulations for West Knoyle Parish Council – the Financial Regulations, having been distributed to members in advance of the meeting, were approved and adopted by the Parish Council.


  1. To fix the dates and times of ordinary meetings of the Council for the ensuing year – the Clerk explained that it would be necessary to call a meeting in June in order for the Council to approve the accounting statements and to confirm whether or not the Parish Council meets the qualifying criteria to be exempt from a limited assurance review by the external auditor. It was therefore agreed that the next Parish Council meeting would be called for Monday, 20th June at 7.30 p.m.  Other meetings would be held in September & November 2022 and in March 2023 – dates to be decided.


  1. Matters Arising
  2. a) The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022 – (Minute Ref: 66a) – With reference to the discussion during the Public Session, there was a general agreement for the Parish Council to make a financial donation towards the village celebration event and also or the Parish Council to underwrite the cost of a commemorative bench. The Clerk gave suggestions of bench designs and said that she would forward further information onto the Village Hall Management Committee.


  1. Wiltshire Councillor’s Report
  • None


  1. Planning (All applications can be viewed on Wiltshire Council’s website http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/environmentandplanning/planninganddevelopment/planningapplicationssearchonline/planningsearch.htm  – and type in the relevant application number)


  1. Applications to consider at the meeting:
  • None


  1. b) Applications considered/determined since last meeting:
  • None


  1. Footpaths, Highways, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) Highway and footpath issues for parish steward – There was a discussion about fly tipping and the Clerk confirmed that she was aware that some asbestos had been tipped in an area on the edge of the village exit road close to the A303. The Clerk said that she had tried reporting this to Wiltshire Council but had been told that it was not their land and they could not therefore remove it.  The Clerk said that she was unsure who the land belonged to.  There was another discussion about the road markings and lining around the Willoughby Hedge junction and in the vicinity of the garage/Starbucks.  Members said that the arrows and keep clear markings had become worn away and were becoming difficult to identify clearly.  The Clerk said that she would try and find out whether it was Wiltshire Council’s responsibility or that of Highways England.
  3. b) Change from CATGs to LHFIGs – change of name and remit. The Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council has increased the remit of the Community Area Transport Groups (CATGs) and has approved additional funding to allow this to progress.  In order to reflect the changed remit, it has decided to rename the groups as Local Highway & Footway Improvement Groups (LHFIGs).  The CATG’s have been encouraged to seek local funding to assist in scheme delivery.  Wiltshire Council say that this has proved to be very successful with some schemes being funded entirely by town or parish councils and they have agreed that this should continue with the LHFIGs with a minimum local contribution of 20% suggested.  The Clerk said that LHFIG’s will now consider the following projects for funding:
  • Pedestrian improvements: including dropped kerbs, new footways, substantive improvements to existing footways, pedestrian crossings (including assessments).
  • Cycle improvements: new cycle paths, cycle parking / storage.
  • Bus infrastructure: new and replacement Shelters (subject to agreement on future maintenance liability), bus border kerbs, bus stop road markings.
  • Traffic signing: new and replacement signs (including signposts), street name plates, village gateways.
  • New road markings: new and replacement of existing markings.
  • Speed limits: assessment and implementation.
  • Waiting restrictions: assessments and implementation.
  • Footpath improvements: styles, gates, surface improvements to rights of ways (council maintainable only).
  • Drainage: minor improvements, new gullies. Street lighting: new installations.
  • Traffic management measures: including Sockets and posts for SID (Speed Indication Device) equipment.
  1. Play Area
  2. a) Report on schedule to carry out actions identified in Annual RoSPA Play Area Inspection report – the Clerk asked the Council to confirm various options for the signage for the playing field and said that she would obtain quotations in the near future.
  3. b) Play Area maintenance & other equipment repairs – the Clerk confirmed that she had confirmed to Alvian that the Parish Council would like Alvian Ltd to proceed with the work on the basis of his quotation but also asked him to carry out repairs to the recently damaged bridge at the same time. The Clerk said that she realised that this would add to the quotation but nevertheless the work needed to be done and she was sure it would be more cost effective and time efficient for it to be dealt with at the same time. Kevin had indicated that this would not be a problem and he hoped to attend to the work a.s.a.p.

  1. Finance
  2. a) Assets/InsuranceRESOLVED that the details in the Asset Register were correct. The Clerk said that she had not yet received the insurance renewal details.
  3. b) PaymentsRESOLVED to approve the following payments.

Community First

Zurich Municipal Policy Renewal Premium (1.6.22 – 31.5.23)


Annual Subscription


Mere Matters

S. 137 Donation


Mere & District Linkscheme

S. 137 Donation


Citizens Advice Bureau

S. 137 Donation


H. M. Revenue & Customs

PAYE 2022/23 – Quarter 1


L. C. Wood

Salary (April, May & June – Q1 2022/23


Mere Parish Council

Contribution towards office (2021-22)


T. J. Thornley (Teeandee Productions)

Personalised Secure Server for westknoyle.org


Rob Pearce Ground Maintenance

Play Area – Grass Cutting



  1. General Items
  2. a) Briefing Note No. 22-10 – Electric Vehicle Charging Points – Noted
  3. b) Briefing Note No. 22-11 – Solar Together – Noted

  1. Date of next meeting

As agreed at Minute ref: 82 – next meeting to be held on Monday, 20th June 2022.

Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions:  Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

Minutes and Agendas

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