Minutes – 21st September

West Knoyle Parish Council

Minutes of a Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 at 7.30 p.m. in West Knoyle Village Hall.

Present:  Councillors Mrs. Alex Davies, Tony Davis, Marcus Randall & Paul Yates. 

Meeting convened at 7.30 pm with Public Session

This provides an opportunity for members of the public to raise questions about and comment on items on the agenda.  The Chairman will re-convene the Parish Council meeting after the public session (please note that members of the public are no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman).

  • None


Apologies for absence received from Wiltshire Councillor George Jeans. 

  1. To elect Chairman of West Knoyle Parish Council –There being no formal nominations, Cllr. Yates explained that he led an extremely busy life but was prepared to take on this role on the clear understanding that there would be some matters that he would be unable to attend to and there would be a need to delegate some matters to other members. Cllr. Paul Yates was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council with a unanimous vote.
  2. To note Casual Vacancy procedure – the Clerk explained that following the resignation of Mrs. Brockway she had informed Wiltshire Council’s Electoral Services of the notification of vacancy. They had subsequently issued a Notice of Vacancy which was displayed on the parish noticeboard and on the parish council’s website.  An election to fill the vacancy will be held if TEN electors from the Parish of West Knoyle write to the Returning Officer by 30 September 2021, asking for an election to be held.  If an election is not requested by that date, then the Parish Council must fill the vacancy by co-option as soon as practicable.  The Clerk pointed out that if an election is requested then the costs of the election will be recharged by Wiltshire Council.  The Clerk also explained the co-option process to members and reminded members that Mr. Paul Vita had put himself forward as a nominee at the recent elections.
  3. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting. Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the West Knoyle Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.
  • None received


  1. 35. MinutesRESOLVED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 22nd June 2021 be approved as a correct record (Minutes attached).


  1. Matters Arising from previous meetings

The Clerk pointed out that the new noticeboard had been installed and was looking very smart and working well.


  1. Reports & Consultations
  2. a) Wiltshire Councillors report – None
  3. b) Wiltshire Council’s consultation on draft ‘Climate Strategy’ and ‘Our Natural Environment Plan’ – the Clerk pointed out that Wiltshire Council had produced two draft strategies relating to climate change and the wider natural environment that were out for consultation to residents, businesses and local groups and will help to shape the next five years of the council’s fight against climate change. The consultations run from 1st September until 17th October and people can view the draft strategies, attend webinars and respond through an online survey. It was agreed that individual members would respond to the strategies.  The Clerk had displayed a poster on the village noticeboard and confirmed that full details are available at wiltshire.gov.uk/climate  . 


  1. Planning
  2. a) Planning applications to consider at the meeting

The Clerk confirmed that whilst there were no planning applications to consider at this meeting, she had been notified of amended plans for the planning application PL/2021/05135 (Erection of a barn to house stables plus hay/straw/fodder storage and tackroom on land situated off left side of track opposite Broadmead Farm, West Knoyle.) The Clerk pointed out that the Parish Council had objected to the original plans and that there were a number of comments from parishioners on the planning register for this application.  The Clerk therefore advised that an extra meeting of the Council should be called in order to consider this planning application.  The Clerk was aware that the applicant wished to attend and speak to the Parish Council and wondered whether other parishioners may also want the opportunity to attend/speak at a meeting.  She suggested either a physical or a virtual zoom meeting.  Members agreed to organise a physical meeting on 5th October.


  1. Footpaths, Highways, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) Highway and footpath issues for parish steward – Cllr. Davis said that he had sent photos of the broken railings at Sandpit Lane to the Clerk. The Clerk confirmed that this had been reported online to Wiltshire Council who had commented to say that no defect was found and therefore this case would be closed. Davis confirmed that although they had pushed the railings back together, the concrete post had broken off and the railings were not secured so they were flapping about and needed to be screwed or welded back together.  Cllr. Davis also reported that he could repair the broken metal fingerpost sign in The Middles but there would be a cost of £30 or £40 to get it re-welded.  Members agreed to paying this cost as it would e nice to preserve the metal fingerpost sign.
  3. b) Request for footpath sign – the Clerk confirmed that a group of walkers had recently pointed out that there was no bridleway sign at Manor Farm. Yates confirmed that the sign was on a post but was temporarily obscured by overgrowth.


  1. Play Area
  2. a) Report on schedule to carry out actions identified in Annual RoSPA Play Area Inspection report – it was confirmed that nearly all of the actions, as scheduled, had been completed and that all the repair work had now been completed. Randall reported that his weekly checks were all fine and that he had recently cut back the overgrowth from around one of the access points adjacent to the road. The Clerk confirmed that the 2021 safety inspection was due to take place in September and was expecting the new inspection report any day.


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources
  2. a) To approve bank signatories and discuss banking arrangements – it was agreed that Cllrs. Davies, Davis and Randall would act as signatories since they already held Lloyds Bank accounts and would not need to undertake the identification process.
  3. b) Report on latest bank reconciliation – The Clerk reported that the last bank statement received was dated 31st July 2021 and a reconciliation of the accounting books and the bank statements was carried out showing a balance at 1.8.21 of £12888.93
  4. c) PaymentsRESOLVED to approve the following payments


Alvian Ltd

Repair Works to play equipment

1320.00    Already paid as agreed

Mr. Ivan Gover

New village notice board

450.00      Already paid as agreed

West Knoyle Social Club

Donation towards insurance for Village Hall

361.23      Already paid as agreed

L. C. Wood

Salary Q2 2021/22



PAYE Q2 2021/22


Rob Pearce Ground Maintenance

Play Area – Grass Cutting



  1. General Items, Events etc

a)The Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – the Clerk informed members that as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations there was an extended bank holiday weekend next year from Thursday 2nds – Sunday, 5th June 2022 and there would be celebrations and beacons being lit.  Members agreed to liaise with the Social Club with regards to organising events/beacons and the Clerk said she would supply further information as and when it came through.

  1. Date of next meeting – as previously discussed, it was agreed to hold an extra meeting on Tuesday, 5th October to discuss the planning application as well as possible co-option.


Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions:  Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

Minutes and Agendas

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