West Knoyle Parish Council
Parish Clerk – Ms S. Samokhina
Minutes of a meeting of West Knoyle Parish Council held on Tuesday, 28th November 2024 at 7.30 pm
in West Knoyle Village Hall
Present: Councillors Paul Yates (Chairman), Marcus Randall (Vice-Chairman), Alex Davies, Tony Davis & Paul Vita.
Also Wiltshire Councillor George Jeans (arrived later).
218. Public Session
The Chairman Paul Yates opened the meeting at 7.46pm.
219. To receive apologies for absence
None received
220. Declaration of Interest:
None received
221. Minutes – To approve Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17 September 2024 – approved and to be signed at the next meeting.
222. Matters Arising from previous meetings
a) To review bank accounts and signatory arrangements – Online Banking – signing of the last form. The last signatures had not satisfied the bank. Clerk had visited Mrs Woods and had her sign the form. Cllr Marcus Randall signed the remaining form. Clerk posted the form to Lloyds Bank.
223. Wiltshire Councillor’s Report
Cllr George Jeans came to the meeting later and presented his report. He asked the Councillors to support the Christmas lights competition in the village. He was to provide prizes and it was agreed to ask Matt & Harri & their son Joseph & George Seabrook to judge the lights.
224. Planning:
a) Applications to consider at the meeting:
b) Applications considered/determined since last meeting:
225. Footpaths, Highways, Traffic & Transport
As per previous meeting’s minutes, it was agreed to get a map of West Knoyle to help with reporting on damaged roads – the Steward was to get a map from the Wiltshire Council. Cllr Tony Davis was to get in touch with him to remind him and to report at the next meeting. Cllr Davis also had spoken to Cllr Wayman regarding the road repairs. She reassured him that road repairs were planned for and were to be done soon.
226. Play Area
a) To consider quotations for replacement equipment – Cllr PY apologised for not getting the quote for the replacement of the playground equipment.
b) Signage for play area – additional signage had been put on the gate of the play area.
c) Regular inspections of play area – the inspection took place at the end of September. The play area report did not show immediate need of repair. Cllr Randall to continue with regular checks.
10. Finance
• To receive Payments & Receipts statement for period 1 September to 31 October 2024
Clerk presented the Cllrs with the report. It was agreed to make a transfer of £3000 from Savings account to cover all the payments which were scheduled to go out as the funds on Treasurer’s account were going low at a balance of £438.74.
• To consider a payment to Rob Pearce – grass cutting – £560.00.
• To consider a payment for website of £60.00.
• To consider a payment for Defibrillator pads of £82.80.
• To consider a payment for Playground inspection of £132.00.
All payments approved
• To consider Proposed Budget 2024/2025 and set the precept – after a detailed discussion considering all the repairs needed at the playground and the running costs for the Parish, it was agreed to set the Precept with a small increase of 5% at £5,670.
11. Date of next meeting – 4 February 2024.