Minutes 22nd June 2021

West Knoyle Parish Council

Parish Clerk – Mrs. L. C. Wood

Minutes of a Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 22nd June 2021 at 7.30 p.m. in West Knoyle Village Hall.

Present: Councillors Jinny Brockway (Chairman), Paul Yates (Vice-Chairman), Tony Davis & Marcus Randall.

Meeting convened at 7.30 p.m. with Public Session

This provides an opportunity for members of the public to raise questions about and comment on items on the agenda.  The Chairman will re-convene the Parish Council meeting after the public session (please note that members of the public are no longer permitted to speak unless invited to do so by the Chairman).

  • None


Apologies for absence received from Cllr. Alex Davies


  1. To confirm receipt of Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms from Cllrs. Jinny Brockway (Chairman) + Cllr. Paul Yates (Vice-Chairman) – The Clerk confirmed that she had received Declarations of Acceptance of Office from both councillors in their capacity as councillors and in their capacity as Chairman & Vice-Chairman.
  2. To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting. (Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the West Knoyle Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.)
  • None received


  1. 24. MinutesRESOLVED to approve Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 18th May 2021.


  1. Matters Arising
  2. a) Update on agreement for Wessex Internet to lay fibre in village – the Clerk informed members that she had received a further email from Wessex Internet to say that they were still trying to progress access the other side of the road to the last three houses so nothing had changed since their email in April. There were a few bits of garden work to complete and actual connections to make but otherwise the main routes in West Knoyle had been completed and the scheme was finalised.
  3. b) Planning – The Clerk reported that the Planning Authority had approved the planning application for the installation of new windows and internal alterations at Banisters (approved by the Parish Council at meeting held on 18.5.21)


  1. Wiltshire Councillors report
  • None received


  1. Footpaths, Highways, Traffic & Transport
  2. a) Highway and footpath issues for parish steward – Although he had no issues for the Parish Steward, Cllr. Tony Davis reported that he had received enquiries from parishioners asking if there was anything that could be done about the water coming out onto the road outside Manor Cottages. The Chairman confirmed that this is being looked into.  Davis also reported that there had been a lot of tippers & concrete mixers going through the village.  He confirmed that the Area Highways Engineer was aware of this and the fact that it had caused the road to sink further.


  1. Play Area
  2. a) Report on schedule to carry out actions identified in Annual RoSPA Play Area Inspection report – it was confirmed that Kevin Holmes from Alvian Ltd would be attending next week in order to install the replacement parts and carry out the repairs for the Swinging Logs, Balance Beam as identified in the Inspection Report. Marcus Randall confirmed that he had sprayed the algae and would do another application in 4 to 5 weeks’ time.


  1. Finance, Policy & Resources
  2. a) Audit of Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021:
  1. To consider the Accounting Statements prepared & signed by the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) – members approved the accounting statement which had been prepared by the RFO and formed the basis of the completion of the Annual Return for the year ending 31.3.2021
  2. To receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report – the Clerk informed members that on 10th June, Mr. Derek Ward had carried out an independent examination of the Parish Council’s accounting records, its compliance with relevant procedures and its risk assessments and internal control procedures.  Mr. Ward had agreed that, in all significant respects, the control objectives were being achieved throughout the financial year to a standard adequate to meet the needs of the council and had completed section 4 of the Annual Return answered ‘yes’ or ‘Not Covered’ to all questions & had signed the Annual Internal Audit Report in the Annual Return accordingly.  Members expressed their gratitude to Mr. Ward for carrying out the Internal Audit and the Clerk for preparing all the paperwork. 
  3. To approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1) – Points 1 – 9 of the Annual Governance statements 2020/21 (Section1 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return) were read out to members and members answered ‘yes ‘or ‘Not Applicable’ to each of the statements.
  4. To approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2) – members approved the accounts and supporting statements which included the bank reconciliation & identification of variances requiring explanation which had previously been distributed to them with their agenda papers.  From the information provided therein, the Accounting Statements 1-11 (Section 2 of the Annual return) were completed and approved by the Parish Council.
  5. Certificate of Exemption – To confirm that West Knoyle Parish Council meets the qualifying criteria to be exempt from a limited assurance review by the external auditor and to RESOLVE to certify West Knoyle Parish Council “exempt” from External Audit – The Clerk informed members that at the conclusion of the 2020-21 financial year, if the authority is able to satisfy the various qualifying criteria set out on the Certificate of Exemption, and the higher of its annual gross income and gross expenditure was £25,000 or less, it will be able, if it wishes, to pass a resolution and complete and sign a Certificate of Exemption which will need to be sent to its appointed auditor.  The Council must pass a resolution, having first confirmed that it meets the qualifying criteria, that it wishes to declare itself exempt from a limited assurance review and only then can the Clerk/RFO and Chairman sign the Certificate of Exemption and send it to the auditor.  It was confirmed that the total gross income was £5027 and the total gross expenditure was £2971 and that the Parish Council met the qualifying criteria to declare itself exempt from a limited assurance review by the external auditor.  RESOLVED to certify West Knoyle Parish Council “exempt” from External Audit.
  6. Chairman & Clerk sign the Annual Governance Statement and Chairman signs the Accounting Statements – Confirmation that the Chairman & Clerk signed the Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements in the presence of the Parish Council at the meeting.
  7. Notice of Public Rights & Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return & to note commencement date for the exercise of public rights (as set by the RFO) – The Clerk confirmed that, as required by the Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015 the Parish Council must now publish the Certificate of Exemption, the unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return and the Notice for the Commencement of the Period for the Exercise of Publish Rights.  Publication is on the parish website: www.westknoyle.org
  8. Chairman & RFO to sign the Certificate of Exemption – the Chairman signed the exemption certificate in the presence of the Council.

Before 1st July 2021

The authority publishes: (on its website)

a)       The Annual Internal Audit Report;

b)      The Annual Governance Statement;

c)       The Accounting Statements;

d)      An analysis of any significant year on year variances

e)      A bank reconciliation as at 31 March 2021

f)        A copy of the Certificate of Exemption;

g)       Details of the arrangements for the exercise of public rights; and

h)      The name and address of the External Auditor

i)        Items of expenditure over £100

j)        Asset Register


  1. b) Payments – to approve the following payments

The Community Heartbeat Trust

New battery for Defib (4-year life)



  1. Emergency Item

The Chairman pointed out that the Village noticeboard outside the Village Hall was in a state of disrepair.  She had received a quotation from a resident to replace the noticeboard at a price of £350 but she wanted to suggest that we add extra money to have the noticeboard put on legs instead of having it fixed to the fence.  The Clerk suggested that cork boards be placed on the noticeboard in order to make it easier to pin notices onto.  The Clerk confirmed that money from the contingency budget would cover the expenditure and all members RESOLVED to ask Mr. Gover to replace the noticeboard with a maximum limit of expenditure at £500.

  1. Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 22nd September 2021 at 7.30 p.m.


Meeting closed at 8.15 pm


Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions:  Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.



Minutes and Agendas

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